Configure your Gymnasium Game Lines: Maximize Space and the Player Experience

As class sizes increase and facility space stays constant or is reduced, how can you utilize every playing space available? Within gymnasiums, the first thing we recommend is to maximize the game lines. A high-quality gym can make or break a child's educational experience. Additionally, a school that maximizes space gives more children equal opportunities to thrive.

Answer these 5 Key Questions to help Maximize Game Lines:

  1. What is the outcome of the space?
  2. Will the space be strictly used for competitions?
  3. Does it need to work for both Physical Education classes and competitions?
  4. Does it need to be used for concerts or plays?
  5. Is there a requirement for more than one area to accommodate multiple games/meets that may be held simultaneously?

Once the team understands how a sporting space will be utilized, we can begin designing for specific functionality.

Thinking Outside the Box

Sport Lines Configuration Options

1 Basketball, 1 Volleyball

Maximizing space with a basketball/volleyball combo court is common and straightforward. By placing a full volleyball court in the center of the basketball court you will have ample space for your volleyball champions and basketball games.

Pro Tip: Incorporate portable volleyball nets to stow away for basketball games. 

1 Basketball, 3 Pickleball, 1 Volleyball, 1 Tennis

Players can easily get lost in the lines when adding more than 2 different sets of lines on a court. When adding additional lines, try to overlap lines to make for a more visually appealing combination.

Pro Tip: Along with different line colors, consider assigning each sport its own color.

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1 Basketball + 4 badminton + 3 Volleyball

Featuring black basketball lines, yellow volleyball, and beige badminton lines, this gymnasium features line colors that blend in with the floor color. This allows for little disturbance with basketball being the primary sport. 

Pro Tip: Additional line colors similar to the flooring color may make for fewer distractions to the primary sports lines. 

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6 Basketball + 3 Pickleball + 2 Volleyball

With this Indoor Gymnasium, we battled with the volleyball line color. White lines contrast the maple floor well, however, red lines match with the red accents that flow with the branding of the school. 

Pro Tip: Adding borders around your main court will emphasize your primary game lines.

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Sports guidelines will dictate the depth of the perimeter for competition courts, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle when factoring in space for other sports and combined court use. 

Do More with smart equipment

Portable Net Systems


Net types make a huge difference, as it is determined partially by the space and purpose of use. For instance, if pickleball is not the primary sport on the court, portable pickleball nets are generally the way to go. We provide many types of nets, including rolling net systems, wall-mounted systems, and removable hoop-mounted net systems.

Also, to maximize indoor court functionality, consider a portable net system that can easily be stored when playing other sports.

Utilizing Ceiling Space

The indoor batting cage retracts to your ceiling within seconds via a turnkey or push button system, putting your cage out of sight / out of mind, and opening your sports facility for other activities.

Maximizing space within a gymnasium can be done through a bountiful of ways. By adjusting lines, line color, and accessories, you can create an equal opportunity for each sporting activity to thrive. Consider SportsWest Construction for your next educational gym.